Halloween 2018

Happy Halloween!  I love dressing up for Halloween, but it is not Vu’s favorite thing.  However, he does like dressing up as Star Wars characters, so when we do dress up we have obviously done that quite a bit.  As in almost every time.  We sort of do a every other year thing, but we don’t dress up every year so… you know.  And if we don’t plan anything then we have enough regular Star Wars clothing that we end up doing that.  At least he is willing to do a different character or at least a different costume every year.  This year we were Han Solo and Princess Leia, but the Han and Leia from “The Empire Strikes Back” where they are on the snow planet Hoth… it is a bit obscure for non Star Wars fans.  I thought a lot of people wouldn’t know who we were, but as it turns out everyone we know could at least recognize us as Han and Leia, even if they didn’t know which scene specifically it was.

And here is a look back at our Halloween past… Continue reading