Annual Juanita Bay Park Pics


Around the time we got married, I saw pictures of a couple who took pictures every year around their anniversary at the same location.  I loved this idea and wanted to do it too.  We got our engagement pictures taken at Juanita Bay Park and I loved this park so much.  It is next to the water with lots of trees and boardwalks over the water, all some of my favorite things.  I decided this is where I wanted to take our annual pictures, especially since we already had our first ones.


My dad was visiting a few weeks before our first anniversary and took the pictures for us.  The second year we planned to go and take them about 5 separate times, but it was a bad time with Vu being really busy with school and work and having some really difficult problems with sleep, so we kept canceling each scheduled time and never did made it out to take them.  However, I have come to the conclusion that whenever I make these kinds of goals and I miss one of the selected times, I don’t want to give up on the goal afterwards.  I just accept that I missed one and move on to the next.


My dad was in town for work this past week and he kindly took some to commemorate our third year of marriage.

And here are a few of the ones from our first anniversary and engagement as well. Continue reading

12 Month’s of Holiday Décor: August

July and the first third of August seem to have just flown by.  Same thing happened last year.  Don’t know what it is about this time of year.  Anyway, so I was at girls camp for my church the last week of July, and I changed out the décor after I got home, but then Vu was off of work all last week and I always seem to get so much less done when Vu is at home… so I never got around to posting it.

August Decor (1)

I have had the theme for the August decorations planned pretty much since the end of last August.  And I have explained this chosen theme to Vu numerous times since then.  But each time I bring it up again he asks every single time “now what do peacocks have to do with August?”  And the answer.  Absolutely nothing.  So how did I land on it?  Last year when I made the Magnetic holiday board I was faced with the question of what to use to represent August.  When I thought about it, to me August meant the peak of summer, the heat, the vacations, beaches, pools, blue skies and bright sun, and barbecues.  Then in my mind the color that represented these things was turquoise.  So I painted the wooden magnets turquoise.

August Decor (2)

Well from there I decided I wanted to add gold because I had recently started to love gold, when up to this point I have pretty much hated gold my whole life, and it added to the whole sun and sand idea.  So I had a color scheme.  Turquoise and gold.  I also happened to have a few random décor items (like this wood herringbone board) that were turquoise and I wanted to incorporate them into one month somewhere and August felt like the best month for it.  This is pretty much the extent of the association.  Because from there I started to see peacock stuff everywhere and started to love the idea and since the colors I often saw with it were gold and turquoise, and since I don’t really have an everyday décor theme going on, for which I could use peacock, August then became turquoise and gold with hints of peacock.  And there you have it.  You can think of it as my non holiday décor, it just happens to only stay out for one month.  Along the way as I started to collect and make things for it, I also decided to add in some geometric items as well, because they are everywhere and often in gold, and I really like it too.

August Decor (3)

I found these metal tear drop gold jewelry things in the clearance section at Hobby Lobby and since I have often seen the peacock feather made in this shape, I sort of settled on using the tear drop a lot to represent them.

August Decor (4) Continue reading

3 Years and Counting

2012-08-03 17.55.57-2

Today is our Anniversary.  Me and Vu.

We have been married for 3 years.

In that time.

We have been to California 3 times.

We have watched 3 chick flics.

We have had dinner at the melting pot 3 times.

Vu has had 3 wedding rings.

We have lived in 3 different zip codes.

We have been to the Emergency room 3 times.

We have gone through 3 different phones.

We have been to 3 new temples together.

Vu got his 3rd degree.

I have learned how to make Vu’s 3 favorite breakfast foods (bacon, sausage and fried eggs) to his picky specifications.

And for 3 years we have been happy that we made the decision to get married to each other!

Keep ’em coming.