Jaunita Bay Park Pics – 4 years


One of the advantages of getting married in August is that it is almost always guaranteed to have sunny weather, so even though it is hotter than I would like it to be, at least it is always nice enough to take our annual pictures at Juanita Bay Park.  I was so excited when I found these number mugs right before our anniversary last year, I knew they would be perfect for our anniversary pictures.  The 4 was the only one in cobalt blue (one of our wedding colors) so I have been saving them all year.  My dad hasn’t been here for work at all the last few months 😦 so he wasn’t able to take them for us.  However, since one of the features my new camera has is Wifi, which allows me to take pictures from an app on my phone, and I bought a tripod before my trip to Europe, I tried taking them myself this year.  That was a bit challenging, but also nice because I could see what they looked like before and adjust things accordingly.  Maybe next year we will get around to actually paying someone to take them for us…

This really isn’t Vu’s favorite thing to do… but he did really well this year and didn’t complain at all while we were taking them.  As much as he hated doing it.  So thanks for that Vu!  You have a whole year before you have to do it again! 🙂

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(Last years pictures here)

On This Day 4 Years Ago…

2012-08-03 13.36.09-1

We started our forever.

We promised to make each other our first priority.

We committed to support each other in our weaknesses.

We would learn what that actually meant.

We chose to focus on the good instead of the bad.

We promised God would always be at the center of our relationship.

We would learn how vitally important that would be for our forever.

We promised to help each others dreams come true.

We started the process of choosing the happiness of the other over our own.

We would learn that happiness happens together.

We committed to love each other unconditionally.

We would learn that love is a daily choice.

We promised to help each other through the hard times, to hold together and not push apart.

On this day four years ago.

We started our forever.  Together.

Happy Anniversary Vuroom!  Love your guts!  Always!

 Our 3rd anniversary