7 Years of…

Way back in the beginning of August Vu and I celebrated our 7th anniversary.  It is crazy how fast that has gone by.  I can’t believe it has been 7 years.  That is 7 years of laundry. Laundry that, more often than not at this point, sits in the basket when it is clean and rarely makes it to be folded or hung.  It is 7 years of holiday selfies that Vu still dislikes, and probably always will, yet he does it anyway.  Which also means 7 years of coaxing out a real smile for pictures from him.  It is 7 years of staying up way later than we should because we still aren’t good at actually going to bed.  It is 7 years of cooking dinners, picking up prescriptions and trips to Target.  7 years of birthdays and Christmas’s, of vacations and staycations, of special meals and everyday meals, of nights with friends and late nights working.  It is 7 years of memories made!

Happy (late) Anniversary Vuroomie!  Happy 7 years to us!