Top 20 Favorite Places I have Been

After thinking about all of the places that I wanted to go, it made me start to think about all of my favorite places that I have been.  This was so hard to pick just 20 of my favorites, there are so many amazing and beautiful places in the world.  There are so many places that I didn’t include that I feel like should be here too… but then the list would be sooo long.  So I tried to narrow it down to the things that I really loved the most.  I mostly picked the places I have been as an adult, because those are what I have good digital pictures of, but there are definitely some places that I went to when I was young and totally remember loving but I don’t have a picture to share of them… and I don’t remember them as well and the ones I have been too as I got older.

Machu Pichu, Peru – If I had to pick just one absolute favorite place then this would be it.  It was one of those that I dreamed about visiting my whole life and then was just so amazing in person, even after all the anticipation.  We stayed in the little town by it for 2 days, on the first day we took a tour and learned about the history and then wandered around for a few hours, then the second day we hiked up Huano Pichu (the peak that is behind me in the picture) and that was pretty intense.  I am pretty short and those steps were all pretty narrow and tall between each step so my legs were shaking so bad by the end.  But it was totally worth it.  We wandered around more after the hike, and that second day was all foggy and I loved it so much seeing, it in both conditions.  It was just so big and so pretty and so amazing!

New England Fall – This was another one that I waited many many years before I got to see it, and is just so amazing.  Fall is my favorite anyway, but it was so great in New England.  There are still so many more spots that I want to go back and see all the beautiful colors, especially as I see my sister Rachel go to them all.  I went just 3 1/2 years ago when Rachel first moved there and spent almost 3 weeks there to guarantee I caught the peak of the season.  I wandered around Boston during the week, and then over the weekends we went out to Palmyra, New York and Acadia National Park in Maine.

Paris, France – I have been to Paris a few times, the first time was for my 8th birthday when my family was living in England and I fell in love with it and have loved everything France ever since.  I went back when I was 19 with my family, and then when I was 20 I did a study abroad in Paris.  I loved my study abroad so much, being able to wander around and explore this city that I love so much.  The last time I went was just for one day for a layover, and it was way too short.  I have always dreamed of going back and living there for a couple of years, hopefully someday I will be able to. Continue reading